Sensors for Autonomous Vehicles
IEEE Continuing Professional Education

I teamed up with IEEE to create a continuing education course on sensors for autonomous vehicles as a part of their Guide to Autonomous Vehicle Technology. In this course, I talk about the role of sensors in an AV system, properly identify typical sensors used in an AV, and assess the benefits and drawbacks of different sensing modalities.
Fall 2015: NAVARCH320
Substitute Lecturer
Marine Hydrodynamics I
Filled in for several lectures for an undergraduate fluids course covering: Concepts and basic equations of marine hydrodynamics. Similitude and dimensional analysis, basic equations in integral form, continuity, and Navier-Stokes equations. Ideal fluid flow, Euler’s equations, Bernoulli equation, free surface boundary value problems. Laminar and turbulent flows in pipes and around bodies. [Source]
September 2014
Practical Session Leader and Lecturer
IEEE-RAS Response Robotics Summer School and Workshop
Instructor for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Response Robotics Summer School and Workshop (RRSS+W) in Perth, Australia. My practical session group spent two days in the Perth Artifactory hackerspace designing and building a rescue robot, focusing on the robot’s interactions with human operators and bystanders throughout the design process. My lecture provided an introduction to human-robot interaction (HRI) with a focus on considerations for rescue robotics.
Fall 2012: ME450
Project Sponsor
Design and Manufacturing III
Project sponsor for a four-person senior capstone design project that is designing a robotic arm mounted on a robot chassis for dynamic weight shifting during high-speed teleoperation to prevent rollover when making sharp turns. Project Video:
Winter 2012: ME450
Project Sponsor
Design and Manufacturing III
Project sponsor for a four-person senior capstone design project that implemented a tablet computer mounted on a balance arm for resolved position and orientation control of a camera mounted on a robot arm. Project Video:
Fall 2011: ME360
Graduate Student Instructor
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Systems
See description below.
Winter 2011: ME450
Project Sponsor
Design and Manufacturing III
Project sponsor for a three-person senior capstone design project involving the development an intuitive master-slave style manual interface for a robotic manipulator arm mounted on a mobile robot chassis. Project Video:
Winter 2010: ME360
Graduate Student Instructor
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Systems
Developing mathematical models of dynamic systems, including mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, and fluid/thermal systems, and representing these models in transfer function and state space form. Analysis of dynamic system models, including time and frequency responses. Introduction to linear feedback control techniques. Synthesis and analysis by analytical and computer methods. [Source]